Dream Analysis

Dream Analysis Img 1Why are people so curious about their dreams?

In dreams, we find the same conflicts and issues we face in our waking life, often including clues as to what we need to do.

Think of dreams as a way to identify and work on your struggles in life, relationships, and career.

You’re constantly the peacemaker in a family full of conflict. Why is everyone counting on you to problem-solve?

Why do you attract guys who take advantage of you in relationships?

You worked hard for that promotion and thought you earned it. So why did the newbie who started less than a year ago get it instead of you?

Carl Jung said that “dreams mirror exactly the underground processes of the psyche. And if we get there, we literally get at the “roots” of the disease.”

Dream Analysis Img 2Connect with your Self.

Working with your dreams allows you to connect and create a relationship with the Self who always tries to guide and support you.

As a Jungian Analyst, I aim to help you uncover the hidden messages in your dreams.

When you come in and are ready to dive into the world of dreams, I will help you by teaching you the foundation of dream interpretation.

We start with you recording your dreams. Some people write them down, others type them, and others record them on their phones.

Then I will show you how to amplify the dream images that visit you in your nightly journey. This is where the fun begins, as you can use the world of creativity through drawing, painting, sculpting, dancing, singing, or whatever you need to do to bring these images to life.

This will start the process of looking at things symbolically, the language of the psyche.

At the same time, dream analysis is as varied as human individuals. I work with you individually because the solution to your problems is always an individual one.

Creating a relationship with the unconscious gives you an inner map that will help you navigate your life and relationships and, most importantly, become whole.

Dreams are the guiding light of the soul.

Let me help you hold the light of your inner world. Understanding the secret messages of the soul will open the door to transformation in your life.

We are all gifted with the ability to dream. Use this to help you heal and grow.

Dreams open the door to the unconscious world, always ready to guide and support your life. I will help you translate their secret message so you can become whole.

You can call, text, or email me, and we will schedule a session. I see people in person or online in California. Let’s start a relationship with your higher self.

In each of us, there is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tell us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves. When, therefore, we find ourselves in a difficult situation to which there is no solution, he can sometimes kindle a light that radically alters our attitude – the very attitude that led us into the difficult situation. (Jung CW 10 para. 325)