About Estela Bobadilla

1443950414You look in the mirror and no longer recognize who is looking back.

For so long, you have been able to look ahead and know what and where you are going.

Finishing school, getting your dream job, traveling the world, and having a family, love, and money. It all seemed so clear.

And now that you have it all, it is not enough. Somehow, it lost its value.

You feel depressed, detached, and lonely and wonder what happened to you.

It is not that you don’t value how hard you have worked to get to where you are. It’s just that it feels empty.

The person you see in the mirror is the guide to follow.

The first half of life requires us to work on our outer world, find meaning in our accomplishments and relationships with others, and realize who we are in our community.

The journey is inner in the second half of life. This is when most people feel empty and lost as the tools and skills that worked so well before no longer work for the work ahead.

I will help you hold the mirror.

The guide to the inner is waiting for you. You can get to know this ancient, wise, eternal guide through your dreams.

I will teach you how to hear the unconscious and create a relationship with the psyche.

Working with your dreams, active imagination, sand play, and self-reflection, you will discover your myth and connect with yourself meaningfully.

Shedding is a part of the transformation.

We will work on making your persona congruent with who you are.

You will meet your shadow and learn to appreciate its value.

You will meet your inner partner, so you no longer project it to your outer ones.

You will learn the secret language of symbols and how they bring the inner world as a light to guide your path.

Hi, I am Estela.

Estela C BobadillaI was born in Mexico City and moved to San Diego as a teenager. I belong to the border as I have roots in both places. I love working with people who struggle to find their place in the world, as this has been one of my struggles.

I became a therapist to understand the experience of love. I went to the Pacifica Graduate Institute, where I was introduced to the work of Carl G. Jung. I spent the next 15 years working on my dreams and realized the answer to my question was hidden in the experience of the feminine principle.

The feminine principle exists in everyone regardless of sexual identity. It is through the feminine that we can be present with each other. It guides our ability to relate to others. It is present when we meet others with open hearts. When we can connect to this principle, we can see and meet others in an authentic way. It is the experience of love.

I have spent the last ten years studying at the C.G. Jung Study Center of Southern California, where I completed my analytical training. As a Jungian Analyst, I have worked with my dreams and the dreams of many others, allowing me to value the unconscious as I have experienced its wisdom and guidance first-hand.

Your life will transform when you allow the inner world to help and support you in your journey. The path to individuation is an exciting one. It is how we become whole.

Call me at (619) 616-0733 to make an appointment and pay attention to your dreams. The unconscious gets excited when you feel open to working on your inner world.