Your Teen is Struggling

Keep Reading to Find out How to Help Them Thrive

Teen Therapy in San Diego and Online throughout California

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You don’t know where to start with your teen.

It’s been a struggle to connect with your child lately, and parenting feels stressful and, at times, hopeless.

Every time you talk with your child, the conversation becomes a screaming match where neither one of you listens to the other, and you both end up feeling hurt.

So much has changed in such a short time. It feels like you no longer know your child.

The challenges they face are so different from what you encounter.

Nothing prepared you for how difficult parenting a teen would be.

They’re struggling at school.

Late at night, your mind races with worries.

Are they using drugs? Are they having sex?

Is it depression or maybe anxiety? How can you tell them apart?

You noticed that no matter what you ask, they respond by yelling and telling you that you are overreacting or judging them.

Is this your fault? Do they need support from you that you’re unable to give?

Give your teen the support they deserve.

We specialize in helping teens thrive by providing them with a safe place to identify, explore and express their worries and fears and connect with the people invested in their growth, YOU.

Learning to understand their overwhelming emotions opens the door for your adolescent to practice healthy coping skills.

We meet your child where they are and offer creative approaches that combine talk and age-appropriate activities to connect and help them process their problems.

Through the psychology of superheroes, movies, television shows, video games, and cartoons, we help your teen understand their own story of origin, how this shapes who they are, where they want to go in life, and what they want life to be like.

Your child will learn mood-monitoring tools and social skills to support them for the rest of their lives.

Make a call that makes the difference.

We’ll practice relaxation techniques, communication skills, and problem-solving, all while having fun!

Incorporating evidence-based practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialect Behavioral Therapy helps teens manage interpersonal relationships with their friends, partners, parents, and family.

We’ll also bring you into the process through family sessions to help you connect with your child and support them in becoming a healthy adult.

Rest easy knowing you’ve made the right choice for your teen.

Let’s help you reconnect with your teen by making room for their growth and new experiences.

Your child can learn to trust you and value your support once again.

Nurture your child as you did in the past, and help them feel seen and heard.

Call (619) 616-0733 now for your free 20-minute consultation.